Determining The Amount Of Refinishing Your Wooden Furniture Requires


Whether you enjoy going to yard sales to pick up interesting pieces of wood furniture or if you have had an antique piece handed down to you, revitalizing the treasure you obtain is likely to excite you. Many pieces of wood furniture are able to be refinished. Here are some tests to give your furniture to decide whether to go ahead with a refinishing procedure.

Give The Piece The Shake Test

A wooden piece that is not structurally sound requires a complete overhaul. To determine how much work is ahead for you or a refinishing service, place the wooden piece in question on a sturdy, flat surface and give it a shake. If you hear loose components from within or if the piece feels as if it could break apart easily, it likely has parts that need to be reglued. This requires taking the piece apart and using clamps to secure loose pieces in place.

Check For Painted Surfaces

Before refinishing a wooden piece of furniture, check that it has not been painted. Sometimes, people paint over wood to cover flawed areas. When a piece of furniture is painted, it needs to be completely stripped from the wood to expose the furnishing's natural beauty. It then requires sanding and staining to bring out the features of the piece. While paint can hide flaws, it could also hide the beauty of the wood hiding underneath. 

Determine The Age Of The Piece

Furniture that was constructed over fifty years ago is likely to be made from real wood, including drawers, backings, and doors. In recent decades, however, particleboard started being used for some portions of wood furniture. These portions are difficult to refinish as they are not as durable. If you do decide to refinish a piece that was made in recent years, particleboard portions are usually replaced with wood parts instead.

Look For Intricate Portions

Pieces of furniture that have scrollwork, slats, or carved parts are a bit trickier to refinish. Expect the job to take more time as it is difficult to strip down wood in small spaces. While the job is indeed more difficult than a basic, flat piece of wood, the end result after a refinishing process is sure to be appreciated. It is best to leave this type of work to a professional if you are unsure about the processes used to remove the current finish in small spaces upon the piece.

If you need help with furniture refinishing, contact a furniture professional in your area.


24 November 2020

Choosing Gorgeous Furniture

When you have a home, you will want to make things beautiful by adding some gorgeous furniture pieces. While it can be nerve-wracking to move forward with decorations, the fact of the matter is that there are a lot of different pieces you can add that will truly make your house feel like a home. Start adding furniture to your home by incorporating a gorgeous sofa, a nice dining room table, and a few area rugs. Next, consider adding a few arm chairs and an entertainment center. By moving forward room by room, you can help your space to really stand out and feel unique and special.