Benefits Of Choosing A Sofa That Is Low To The Floor


The distance between the bottom of a sofa that you're thinking about buying and the floor is something that is important to consider. While a specific sofa may have other features that catch your eye before you assess how far it sits off the floor, paying attention to the height of this piece of furniture before you commit to buy it is a good idea. The bottoms of some sofas are several inches off the floor, while other models sit on such short feet that their bottoms are almost touching your floor. If a sofa that is low to the floor catches your eye, here are some benefits that it will offer you once it's sitting in your home.

Less Likely For Toys To Go Under It

If you have children and you purchase a sofa that sits several inches off the floor, you can be sure that countless toys will make their way under this piece of furniture in the years ahead. If your kids can't reach their toy cars, balls, and other small toys, they'll come to you for help — meaning that you'll need to stop what you're doing and go retrieve the toy. A sofa that is low to the floor will often prevent things from going under it, which can save you plenty of time and hassle while your children are playing in the living room.

Tidy Appearance

You may appreciate how a sofa that is low to the floor can provide a tidy look in your home. Sometimes, you'll have things running behind and below the sofa. One common example is to have cords for various lights and other electrical components pass beneath this piece of furniture. A sofa that is low to the floor will effectively hide these things, while a taller sofa will result in them being visible.

No Hiding Place For Pets

If there's a large gap between the bottom of a sofa and the floor, this may be a place that your small pets like to hide. This can be difficult if you need to retrieve the pet. For example, a small dog might take a sock or a slipper under the couch to chew, or a hamster may hide under the couch when you're trying to retrieve it to put in its cage for the night. If you have small pets, a sofa that sits lower to the floor will prevent your pets from getting into this space, which you'll appreciate.

For more information about sofas, such as an Alenya sofa, contact a local furniture store.


20 January 2021

Choosing Gorgeous Furniture

When you have a home, you will want to make things beautiful by adding some gorgeous furniture pieces. While it can be nerve-wracking to move forward with decorations, the fact of the matter is that there are a lot of different pieces you can add that will truly make your house feel like a home. Start adding furniture to your home by incorporating a gorgeous sofa, a nice dining room table, and a few area rugs. Next, consider adding a few arm chairs and an entertainment center. By moving forward room by room, you can help your space to really stand out and feel unique and special.